Professional Credentials & Experences
Licenses & Certifications
- Master Certifed Coach from International Coach Federation (ICF)
- Master Masteries Coach from International Association of Coaching (IAC)
- Over 100+ certifications last 30+ years to support professional coaching skills and services.
education & Training Experience
- Coaching Doctoral degree, Regent University, USA
- Master degree, Fuller Graduate School, USA. the Master of Divinity on Spirituality
- Bachelor of Fine Arts, Parsons School of Design, New Your, USA. Communication Design Major
- Train ICF ACTP CPCP course over 130+ times since 2003
Professional Experience
- Professor at Doctoral program , Regent Univerisity, USA & Coaching leadership Program, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea.
- Professor and creator of Coaching MBA program at Ajou Graduate School of Business, Korea
- Guest Professor, Seoul National University, China Europe International Busines School (CEIBS)